Erotic stories of Earnest the ass man

Profile page of Earnest the ass man. . All of his stories for adults. The statistics and survey all its erotic stories online.

Earnest the ass man wrote 2 erotic stories which have been read 5.2K times

Incest | 2
1 8
2023-07-10 04:43:43
2022-06-01 06:51:19
My sisters ass updateJackie and I have continued to fuck regularly and had increased our sexual acts to include blowjobs and me doing her orally. But as she was still a virgin, I was wanting to take her virginity, but not game to ask her in case she refused and stopped all sex with me. But I bought a box of condoms and was waiting for the right moment to ask her. But it was her who asked me to take her virginity, she had seen her doctor and started using contraceptives. Now safe according to her she asked me to take...reading time 2 mingenre
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My sisters AssMy sister Jackie 26 is very shy and doesn't date at all, on finishing her courses at university. She got a job in the city and lives with me, I work as a plumber and never went to university. I don't date much at all as I'm buying my own house and would rather pay it off first. I'm Earnest 28 only sibling of Jackie, our parents live in the same town as we were born and never plan to leave. They visit us or we visit them, anyway last Christmas we had visited our parents and were on our way back ...reading time 3 mingenre
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